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Issue List
Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 869, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-529 (11 February 2000)
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Page 1
Emilio Gelpí
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Computer simulation for the convenient optimization of isocratic reversed-phase liquid chromatographic separations by varying temperature and mobile phase strength ARTICLE
Pages 3-25
R. G. Wolcott, J. W. Dolan and L. R. Snyder
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Modelling retention in liquid chromatography as a function of solvent composition and pH of the mobile phase ARTICLE
Pages 27-39
Rosa Bergés, Victoria Sanz-Nebot and José Barbosa
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Relationship between the retention characteristics on an alumina column and physico-chemical parameters of some environmental pollutants ARTICLE
Pages 41-48
Tibor Cserháti and Esther Forgács
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Lipophilicity characterization by reversed-phase liquid chromatography of some furan derivatives ARTICLE
Pages 49-55
Gabriela Cimpan, Mihaela Hadaruga and Vasile Miclaus
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Adsorption/partition model of liquid chromatography for chemically bonded stationary phases of the aliphatic cyano, reversed-phase C8 and reversed-phase C18 types ARTICLE
Pages 57-64
Krzysztof Kaczmarski, Wojciech Prus and Teresa Kowalska
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Retention mechanism, isocratic and gradient-elution separation and characterization of (co)polymers in normal-phase and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 65-84
Pavel Jandera, Michal HolImageapek and Lenka KoláImageová
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Investigations of artifact peaks in sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography methods SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 85-90
G. R. Strasser and I. Váradi
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Coupling of chromatographic ion-exchange reaction with change-partner reaction: Presumed mechanism on the ion–ion interaction of inorganic ions in Sephadex G-15 columns ARTICLE
Pages 91-99
T. K. Okada, Y. Nakabayashi and F. Jisaki
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Analytical potential of fullerene as adsorbent for organic and organometallic compounds from aqueous solutions ARTICLE
Pages 101-110
E. Ballesteros, M. Gallego and M. Valcárcel
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Novel cinchona alkaloid carbamate C9-dimers as chiral anion-exchange type selectors for high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 111-127
Pilar Franco, Michael Lämmerhofer, Philipp M. Klaus and Wolfgang Lindner
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Stability of high-performance liquid chromatography columns packed with poly(methyloctylsiloxane) sorbed and radiation-immobilized onto porous silica and zirconized silica ARTICLE
Pages 129-135
Lúcio Flávio Costa Melo, Carol H. Collins, Kenneth E. Collins and Isabel Cristina Sales Fontes Jardim
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Effects in high-performance liquid chromatography of a high pH in the mobile phase on poly(methyloctylsiloxane) immobilized by small gamma, Greek-radiation on titanium-grafted silica ARTICLE
Pages 137-141
Rosely Barbosa Silva, Kenneth E. Collins and Carol H. Collins
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Development of a new cyano-bonded column for high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 143-149
Kensuke Okusa, H. Tanaka and M. Ohira
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Characterization of an avidin-bonded column for direct injection in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 151-157
Hiroyuki Tanaka, K. Takahashi and M. Ohira
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Optimized stationary phases for the high-performance liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometric analysis of basic pharmaceuticals ARTICLE
Pages 159-170
S. R. Needham, P. R. Brown, K. Duff and D. Bell
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Fast and quantitative high-performance liquid chromatography method for the determination of 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl release from solid-phase synthesis resins ARTICLE
Pages 171-179
László Várady, Shranabasava B. Rajur, Robert B. Nicewonger, MaoJun Guo and Lori Ditto
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Repeatability and reproducibility of retention data and band profiles on reversed-phase liquid chromatography columns: IV. Results obtained with Luna C18 (2) columns ARTICLE
Pages 181-209
Marianna Kele and Georges Guiochon
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Control of column temperature in reversed-phase liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 211-230
R. G. Wolcott, J. W. Dolan, L. R. Snyder, Stephen R. Bakalyar, Megan A. Arnold and Jon A. Nichols
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Performance of experimental sample injectors for high-performance liquid chromatography microcolumns ARTICLE
Pages 231-241
Marc D. Foster, Megan A. Arnold, Jon A. Nichols and Stephen R. Bakalyar
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2-(4-Carboxyphenyl)-6-N,N-diethylaminobenzofuran: a useful reagent for the sensitive determination of alcohols by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection ARTICLE
Pages 243-250
Peter Assaf, Jehoshua Katzhendler and Abdullah I. Haj-Yehia
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2,4-Dinitro-3,5,6-trideuterophenylhydrazones for the quantitation of aldehydes and ketones in air samples by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 251-259
Gabriela Zurek and Uwe Karst
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Micropreparative ligand fishing with a cuvette-based optical mirror resonance biosensor ARTICLE
Pages 261-273
B. Catimel, J. Weinstock, M. Nerrie, T. Domagala and E. C. Nice
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Increasing the reliability of the identification by high-performance liquid chromatography by means of selective and/or sensitive detection ARTICLE
Pages 275-284
G. Stoev and A. Mihailova
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Microwave-assisted extraction by fast sample preparation for the systematic analysis of additives in polyolefins by high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 285-300
B. Marcato and M. Vianello
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Comparison of commercial solid-phase extraction sorbents for the sample preparation of potato glycoalkaloids ARTICLE
Pages 301-305
Tiina Väänänen, Pirjo Kuronen and Eija Pehu
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Determination of heterocyclic aromatic amines in meat extracts by liquid chromatography–ion-trap atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 307-317
F. Toribio, E. Moyano, L. Puignou and M. T. Galceran
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Analysis of channel-geometry effects on separation efficiency in rectangular-capillary electrochromatography columns ARTICLE
Pages 319-328
Xiang Zhang and Fred E. Regnier
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Influence of mobile phase composition on electroosmotic flow velocity, solute retention and column efficiency in open-tubular reversed-phase capillary electrochromatography ARTICLE
Pages 329-337
Antonio Luis Crego, Jesús Martínez and María Luisa Marina
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Influence of flow patterns on chromatographic efficiency in centrifugal partition chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 339-352
L. Marchal, A. Foucault, G. Patissier, J. M. Rosant and J. Legrand
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Improvement purification of sulfated oligofucan by ion-exchange displacement centrifugal partition chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 353-361
Lionel Chevolot, Alain Foucault, Sylvia Colliec-Jouault, Jacqueline Ratiskol and Corinne Sinquin
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Some considerations concerning the composition of the mobile phase in capillary electrochromatography ARTICLE
Pages 363-374
Andreas Banholczer and Ute Pyell
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Migration time correction for the analysis of derivatized amino acids and oligosaccharides by micellar capillary electrochromatography ARTICLE
Pages 375-384
Xing-Fang Li, Hongji Ren, Xiaochun Le, Ming Qi, Ian D. Ireland and Norman J. Dovichi
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Separation of peptides by strong cation-exchange capillary electrochromatography ARTICLE
Pages 385-394
Mingliang Ye, Hanfa Zou, Zhen Liu and Jianyi Ni
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Immobilisation and evaluation of a vancomycin chiral stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography ARTICLE
Pages 395-409
H. Wikström, L. A. Svensson, A. Torstensson and P. K. Owens
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Application of spectral libraries for high-performance liquid chromatography–atmospheric pressure ionisation mass spectrometry to the analysis of pesticide and explosive residues in environmental samples ARTICLE
Pages 411-425
André Schreiber, Jürgen Efer and Werner Engewald
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Analysis of pesticide residues in matrices with high lipid contents by membrane separation coupled on-line to a high-performance liquid chromatography system ARTICLE
Pages 427-439
R. Carabias-Martínez, E. Rodríguez-Gonzalo, P. H. Paniagua-Marcos and J. Hernández-Méndez
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On-line ion-pair solid-phase extraction–liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry for the analysis of quaternary ammonium herbicides ARTICLE
Pages 441-449
R. Castro, E. Moyano and M. T. Galceran
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Determination of triazine herbicides in natural waters by solid-phase extraction and non-aqueous capillary zone electrophoresis ARTICLE
Pages 451-461
R. Carabias-Martínez, E. Rodríguez-Gonzalo, J. Domínguez-Álvarez and J. Hernández-Méndez
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Use of solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography for the determination of triazine residues in water: validation of the method ARTICLE
Pages 463-469
Glaucia Maria F. Pinto and Isabel Cristina S. F. Jardim
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Evaluation of surface- and ground-water pollution due to herbicides in agricultural areas of Zamora and Salamanca (Spain) ARTICLE
Pages 471-480
Rita Carabias Martínez, Encarna Rodríguez Gonzalo, Mª Esther Fernández Laespada and Francisco Javier Sánchez San Román
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Study of the behaviour of azinphos-methyl in a clay mineral by batch and column leaching ARTICLE
Pages 481-485
Adriana Farran and Abdessellam Chentouf
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Determination of linuron and related compounds in soil by microwave-assisted solvent extraction and reversed-phase liquid chromatography with UV detection ARTICLE
Pages 487-496
Carmen Molins, Elbert A. Hogendoorn, Ellen Dijkman, Henk A. G. Heusinkveld and Robert A. Baumann
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Determination of imidacloprid and its metabolite 6-chloronicotinic acid in greenhouse air by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection ARTICLE
Pages 497-504
A. Garrido Frenich, F. J. Egea González, J. L. Martínez Vidal, P. Parrilla Vázquez and M. Mateu Sánchez
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Optimization of the extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from wood samples by the use of microwave energy ARTICLE
Pages 505-513
L. Pensado, C. Casais, C. Mejuto and R. Cela
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Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediments by high-performance liquid chromatography after microwave-assisted extraction with micellar media ARTICLE
Pages 515-522
Verónica Pino, Juan H. Ayala, Ana M. Afonso and Venerando González
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Microporous membrane liquid–liquid extraction coupled on-line with normal-phase liquid chromatography for the determination of cationic surfactants in river and waste water ARTICLE
Pages 523-529
J. Norberg, E. Thordarson, L. Mathiasson and J. Å. Jönsson
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